Friday, May 29, 2015

Careers That Make Good Money

         Sometimes we don't know what to major in when we get in college, but that's okay. Most people say that you should major in something that you enjoy which is true, but i know for me I prefer anything that makes me a lot of money. So, I took the liberty in giving you information about a few careers that you might not know about and that have a good salary.

1. Information Security Analyst- They plan and monitor security of computer networks for companies and government agencies. You need strong problem-solving and analytical skills and an understanding of computers. Salary estimated to be $113,000

2. Dentist- They identify and treat problems concerning the patients mouth. Salary estimated to be $146,340.

3. Physician- They are at the top of the healthcare food chain. Their responsibilities range from diagnosing and treating patients to instructing on proper diet, hygiene, and disease prevention. Salary estimated to be $186,850

4. Computers System Analyst- For the most part they consult with organizations on the IT systems they might need. Salary estimated to be $81,990

5. Web Developer- They do just what the name says! They're responsible for the fancy fonts and layouts that you see on your favorite websites and is one of the fastest growing careers in this decade. Salary estimated to be $63,160

6. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer- These people have to be good with handling medical equipment and have good social skills. These are the people that tell you if the baby is a girl or a boy. Salary estimated to be $66,410

7. Market Research Analyst- These people study our habits as consumers and use those observations to counsel companies on how to package, brand, and sell products. Salary estimated to be $60,800

8. Marketing Manager- These people are behind the advertisements for different companies and are the ones who help you to make the decision on "iOS to Android", "General Motors or Ford", or even "ChapStick or Carmex". Salary estimated to be $123,220

9. Accountant- They work with individuals, corporations, and even nonprofits managing money. They must be detail-oriented, organized, and skilled with numbers. Salary estimated to be $65,080

      I know you're in high school and you're not sure what you want to do but here are a few careers that could get your mind going. Some require little to no education and some may require a bachelor's. But, this list could be your first step in figuring out your major. You can always research these careers and find out more information you want to know that isn't said here.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Writing A Good Resume Contd.

Resume Format

  Most employers enjoy the chronological format. The chronological format lists, describes, and dates the specifics of each past job and your education. It's easy to read, write, and follow and is the most traditional. If you don't know how to write this format on your own you cam always go online to use a free template but, here is an example.

Resume Heading

     The heading is one of the most important parts of the resume. The heading should include your name, of course, and your address. You should put your address because it gives the employer an idea of the length of the commute to the job. You should also include your phone number and an email address. Make sure your email address is professional, preferably your first and last name. After the heading you could add a brief summary about yourself and why you are a good asset to their job. Here's an example of a good heading.


            References don't usually go on your resume but it's okay to add them. Employers usually ask for references on the application.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Writing A Good Resume

                   Sometimes you walk into a job, confident as ever, and ask for a job application. Then they ask for your resume and your heart drops. This is one of the biggest problems when it comes to teens especially finding a job. Adults have this problem too, so here are a few tips on how to create a good resume.

1. Make sure you choose a resume format
- Chronological- the format recruiters and employers like most.

2. Be sure to have a good resume heading

3. Make sure to have a summary of qualifications


5. Education and Community Service you've done.

6. Should include contact details

7. Also include references

8. Do not include photos and graphics or fancy fonts

                These are just a few tips on what you're resume should include. This should put you on the right track of a good resume. I will following up this post, going more in depth about the tips I've provided so that you can better understand. Any questions can go in the comments. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Going Away To College

Going away to college: Pros and Cons

                      There are many pros and cons to going away to college. Here I will name a few to help make your decision on going away to college easier.


1. You're on your own which makes you dependent on yourself and nobody else.

2. You get to meet new people

3. Greater opportunities and new experiences

4. A fresh start and a new perspective


1. Being far way from loved ones

2. Adapting to a new environment

3. In-state tuition might be cheaper

4. Cant hurry back to family in case of emergency

                        In conclusion, deciding whether to go away to college or stay home is a hard decision. One of the biggest problems when going to college period is money. Going away to college can make that money problem just a bit bigger. One of the biggest pros in going away to college is that it helps you become more independent. There are many pros and cons listed and i hope they help you make your decision more easily.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Looking for Colleges

        Sometimes the hardest thing about graduating high school is trying to figure out what college to go to. Here are a few tips on how to find the right college for you.

1. Observe yourself. Find a college that fits your personality

2. Use your guidance counselor to your advantage

3. Decide how far away from home you want to go. This should narrow down your search

4. Virtual visit the colleges on their websites

5. Keep an open mind

6. Research many colleges withing the distance you want and learn more about them

7.  Never settle

8. Prepare for college essays

9. Prepare for application fees

10. Make time to research

 If you're unsure about what college you want to attend just use the tips and hopefully you'll find the right college for you.

SAT Test Tips

                     Are you preparing to take your SAT? Here are a few tips to help you with getting the best score you can possibly get.

1. Build your own vocabulary list using previous tests

2. Experiment with different strategies

3. Never leave any multiple choice questions blank

4. Always show your work

5. Be aware of the time you have for each section

6. Understand the test structure

7. Don't stress out 

8. Practice reading topics that you're not interested in

9. Use the process of elimination

10. Make sure you put your answers in the correct number space

The SAT test is a complicated test, but if you follow these tips and stay focused you could get a good score on your SAT. I hope these tips help you.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Preparing for your first job interview

Are you a teenage girl going on your first job interview? I’m going to give you a couple of tips on how to ace your first job interview. As a teenager it can be hard to figure out what to do to impress the interviewer and get the job. An interview is not just about answering the questions properly but a whole lot more goes into the interviewer’s decision on whether to give you the job or not.

Dress Code
          The most complicated part about the interview is finding the right thing to wear. Make sure to wear clothes that are respectable and correspond with the job you are applying for. For example if you’re going for a job at a flower shop, try to wear something floral. Also, make sure your shoes are clean. Believe it or not employers do pay attention to your shoes. A big thing that most people don’t know is that colors can affect the way the employer sees you subconsciously.
·       Wearing a dark blue makes you seem loyal
·       Lighter blue gives the impression of peace
·       Wearing white gives the impression of purity
·       Light pink gives off a nice, sweet personality
·       Yellow gives the impression that you’re happy and bubbly

          Be POLITE. No one wants to work with someone who is rude or sloppy. Use good posture, stand tall and smile politely. Also use your manners, laugh politely, and be attentive. Speak clearly and NEVER interrupt the interviewer. (If you can’t hear something the interviewer is saying refrain from saying “what”, instead ask them politely to repeat themselves.)  
          Use body language to your advantage. You can’t go into a job interviewer and not be confident. It is very unlikely for an employer to hire someone is shy and timid over someone who is confident and sociable. Position your body toward the interviewer and don’t cross your arms or legs. However, crossing your legs at the ankle is polite and acceptable. Also, keep your chin up and remain polite at all times. When you first meet be sure to shake your interviewer’s hand with a firm grip and a genuine smile.

          Hygiene is a key factor on acing a job interview. Wash your hair and keep it slick and smooth. DON’T OVERDO YOUR MAKEUP. Also, make sure your nails are neat and aren’t painted  dramatic color and don’t wear too much perfume.

Additional Tips
·       Don’t look down.
·       Smile with your eyes: squint and nod slightly; it will make you seem sincere.
·       Look between the interviewer’s eyes if you’re too nervous
·       Try to make eye contact but not too much. Don’t stare
·       Answer each question in a clear voice
·       Arrive 15 minutes in advance
·       Be careful how you greet other staff members
·       Turn your cell phone off
·       Ask a few questions about the job

Preparing  for your interview
          Before going on your interview be sure to be prepared to sell yourself, show that you are fit for the job. It might be hard to think of answers under pressure but  try not to give answers like “I don’t know”. Ask your friends and family to help you with mock interviews.

Possible Interview Questions
1.    Tell me about yourself.
2.    Why did you apply for this company?
3.    Do you know what we do here?
4.    Do you have any work experience?
5.    What are your favorite classes?
6.    What are your career  goals?
7.    Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?
8.    Why are you looking for a job?
9.    Are you okay with working nights and weekends?