Monday, May 11, 2015

Preparing for your first job interview

Are you a teenage girl going on your first job interview? I’m going to give you a couple of tips on how to ace your first job interview. As a teenager it can be hard to figure out what to do to impress the interviewer and get the job. An interview is not just about answering the questions properly but a whole lot more goes into the interviewer’s decision on whether to give you the job or not.

Dress Code
          The most complicated part about the interview is finding the right thing to wear. Make sure to wear clothes that are respectable and correspond with the job you are applying for. For example if you’re going for a job at a flower shop, try to wear something floral. Also, make sure your shoes are clean. Believe it or not employers do pay attention to your shoes. A big thing that most people don’t know is that colors can affect the way the employer sees you subconsciously.
·       Wearing a dark blue makes you seem loyal
·       Lighter blue gives the impression of peace
·       Wearing white gives the impression of purity
·       Light pink gives off a nice, sweet personality
·       Yellow gives the impression that you’re happy and bubbly

          Be POLITE. No one wants to work with someone who is rude or sloppy. Use good posture, stand tall and smile politely. Also use your manners, laugh politely, and be attentive. Speak clearly and NEVER interrupt the interviewer. (If you can’t hear something the interviewer is saying refrain from saying “what”, instead ask them politely to repeat themselves.)  
          Use body language to your advantage. You can’t go into a job interviewer and not be confident. It is very unlikely for an employer to hire someone is shy and timid over someone who is confident and sociable. Position your body toward the interviewer and don’t cross your arms or legs. However, crossing your legs at the ankle is polite and acceptable. Also, keep your chin up and remain polite at all times. When you first meet be sure to shake your interviewer’s hand with a firm grip and a genuine smile.

          Hygiene is a key factor on acing a job interview. Wash your hair and keep it slick and smooth. DON’T OVERDO YOUR MAKEUP. Also, make sure your nails are neat and aren’t painted  dramatic color and don’t wear too much perfume.

Additional Tips
·       Don’t look down.
·       Smile with your eyes: squint and nod slightly; it will make you seem sincere.
·       Look between the interviewer’s eyes if you’re too nervous
·       Try to make eye contact but not too much. Don’t stare
·       Answer each question in a clear voice
·       Arrive 15 minutes in advance
·       Be careful how you greet other staff members
·       Turn your cell phone off
·       Ask a few questions about the job

Preparing  for your interview
          Before going on your interview be sure to be prepared to sell yourself, show that you are fit for the job. It might be hard to think of answers under pressure but  try not to give answers like “I don’t know”. Ask your friends and family to help you with mock interviews.

Possible Interview Questions
1.    Tell me about yourself.
2.    Why did you apply for this company?
3.    Do you know what we do here?
4.    Do you have any work experience?
5.    What are your favorite classes?
6.    What are your career  goals?
7.    Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?
8.    Why are you looking for a job?
9.    Are you okay with working nights and weekends?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love this post because it is very informative. All the tips are very relevant and useful. I also think the possible interview questions are realistic. I will recommend your blog to my students who are preparing for a job interview.
    I would love to see a post on how to create your first resume because many young people like yourself do not know the importance of a resume. They also don't know how to create one. I know adults that do not know how to create a resume as well.

  3. thanks shania. and thanks ms e that just gave me an idea on my next post
