Sometimes the hardest thing about graduating high school is trying to figure out what college to go to. Here are a few tips on how to find the right college for you.
1. Observe yourself. Find a college that fits your personality
2. Use your guidance counselor to your advantage
3. Decide how far away from home you want to go. This should narrow down your search
4. Virtual visit the colleges on their websites
5. Keep an open mind
6. Research many colleges withing the distance you want and learn more about them
7. Never settle
8. Prepare for college essays
9. Prepare for application fees
10. Make time to research
If you're unsure about what college you want to attend just use the tips and hopefully you'll find the right college for you.
Thanks for the help now i know what to do when i'm looking for colleges
ReplyDeleteare you taking any of these steps?
ReplyDeleteyuuuuuuuup . i need that money !!!!!
ReplyDeleteyuuuuuuuup . i need that money !!!!!