Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Going Away To College

Going away to college: Pros and Cons

                      There are many pros and cons to going away to college. Here I will name a few to help make your decision on going away to college easier.


1. You're on your own which makes you dependent on yourself and nobody else.

2. You get to meet new people

3. Greater opportunities and new experiences

4. A fresh start and a new perspective


1. Being far way from loved ones

2. Adapting to a new environment

3. In-state tuition might be cheaper

4. Cant hurry back to family in case of emergency

                        In conclusion, deciding whether to go away to college or stay home is a hard decision. One of the biggest problems when going to college period is money. Going away to college can make that money problem just a bit bigger. One of the biggest pros in going away to college is that it helps you become more independent. There are many pros and cons listed and i hope they help you make your decision more easily.


  1. This is a great post because many teens don't ever think of comparing the pros and cons of going away to college.
